Radiation from EMFs is everywhere. These manmade frequencies cause disruption to the cellular function of all living things! Yikes!•  EMF culprits include: cell towers, power meters, cell phones, smart TV’s, routers, low-orbiting wifi satellites, microwave ovens, cordless house phones, and more.

•  Common biological effects include: headaches, brain fog, sleep disturbances; continued exposure can lead to debilitating chronic illnesses.

•  Smart Meters/Remote Read Meters (where the power goes into your house) are sending harmful microwave radiation more frequently than once per minute.

•  They’re hiding towers on churches and schools, etc. We support legislation to slow down this runaway train.We live in an EMF world. Unless you’re ready to ditch technology and move away from power and communication grids, you’re going to want to hear about our solutions.

Sunset EMF offers free local home and business evaluations, remote consults, and home remediation solutions. This page and Health Freedom NH website are made possible by the generous contributions of Larisa Trexler, RN EMF Specialist and SunsetEMF.We’re sorting out how to stop installation or replace Smart/Remote read Meters on residences and businesses. Eversource or other utility companies are required to obtain written consent before installing smart meters. They have to provide an alternative free of charge! We are looking forward to empowering others to take this step. Please let us know if you would like to get involved in this effort. [email protected]STAY TUNED FOR MORE INFORMATION!2020 On Friday October 30th, the New Hampshire Commission on Wireless Technology submitted its final report to Governor Sununu. There are fifteen recommendations for educating the public, expanding awareness, and reducing exposure. It sheds light on the obstacles including agencies in Washington and the 1996 Telecom Act. This commission is monumental and reminds us that we have a lot of work to do to to protect public health, the environment and to slow down this runaway train.

2022 NH HB 1644 was introduced to require setbacks of antenna and cell towers from residential areas, schools, etc. It is the first of the fifteen recommendations of the Commission Report in 2020 to be introduced. This bill needs important revisions to be supported. By not specifying cellular antennas and towers, it unintentionally would have applied drastic restrictions to all antennas including radio.

2023 New Hampshire has wireless-related, pending proposed legislation in the works; we will update the link here once its entered by legislative services.

We’ve added these links so that you can learn more about the dangers of EMF radiation and what you can do about it. Please submit your questions or concerns to: email: [email protected]

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