remineralizing teeth

Remineralizing Teeth?

In 2014, a dental hygienist measured my gum gaps (periodontal pockets) and scared the heck out of me- about my deep pockets and aggressive disease. This was out of the blue, as before this, I’d never understood they what was being measured, nor had they previously implied anything negative. So, I found this recipe and immediately entered my family (4 of us) into my own little informal study. We also started to follow the teachings of Dr. Weston A. Price and the role of nutrition in dental heath (which is about so much more than just your teeth and gums; maybe they’re a window to your skeletal system?). 

Three months later I had a follow-up appointment to look at my aggressive gum disease – same hygienist. Only this time, she quietly checked my teeth and started to move on to cleaning. But, I’d been waiting for this evaluation. Wait!, what about my gaps? I made her look back at my records. At this point she was being extremely dismissive and avoiding eye contact. She told me there is currently no concerns. I told her about our new approach to oral heath; she would not acknowledge my profound turn-around; nor would the dentist. It was.. ‘nothing to see here!’ I refused the fluoride as usual and as usual, I was admonished for that.

Hadleigh Mae was 2 at the time, that we had started making these changes in our home. Since her baby teeth erupted, she’d had a dark gray cavity through one of the central incisors (top-front). After several years using this paste, her tooth healed and lost all discoloration too and looked great before falling out to make way for adult teeth. 

Fluoride or fluoride compounds or hydrofluorosilicic acid (added to many municipal water sources) do not equal healthy teeth and gums, (nor bones & brains, for that matter). Please check out the Fluoride Action Network or endless available other resources, if you would like more information.

Can teeth heal similar to the way bones can? It seems so. My dental micro-fractures have diminished significantly. (I use a small flashlight to illuminate my teeth and look in the mirror). I have followed several people’s journey with remineralizing/regrowth of teeth. Some people that have tried this paste feel that it has contributed to curing toothaches, resolving oversensitivity, and averting dental interventions. 

Remineralizing Tooth MudIngredients: pure filtered (non-fluoridated) well-water, well-sourced bentonite clay, organic coconut oil, calcium-magnesium power, organic grade sodium bicarbonate, Himalayan pink sea salt, trace minerals, immune blend essential oil, peppermint essential oil. I make this small batch — in my clean kitchen where I do my best to avoid toxins and harmful chemical.

Yes, it has essential oils in it and it needs to. Ingesting oils is extremely controversial. Work on spitting with young children. Breaking down the recipe- there’s less than 10 drops of EO’s in a jar. If the jar yields 40 uses (of course that varies depending on use), that’s under 25% of one drop total per use; yielding 100 uses: that is 10% of one drop per use. 

Obviously no guarantees, but I truly do hope you find it beneficial. Results may vary. Use a good soft brush and always gently brush the gums too. Re-think & re-learn how to brush your teeth, with different angles to thoroughly remove all debris from between. I don’t think I was ever really good at getting all my surfaces, until I took that on as an adult. Please do not take any of this as health advice; please do your own research. I’m sharing my story. 

Larisa M. Trexler, RN