Health Freedom NH organizers work to raise awareness and educate people on how to take action in the state on health freedom issues. We fight for human rights, informed consent, bodily autonomy, free speech, and parental rights. During Legislative season we put a lot of effort into making it easy to follow bills and take action.
• If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any. We want to help you get used to defending and exercising your rights.
• Regarding Childhood Vaccination Law and Rules, please visit our specific webpage on those matters. We are hearing like-minded people sharing misinformation on a daily basis.
• We need to vote for representation in New Hampshire that will protect our rights in health matters. It is also important to stay involved and to hold representation accountable.
• Stand firm in your rights and convictions. Report any infringement of your rights, such as relating to voting, health choices, discrimination, or others matters.We recommend getting the blank ballot and working through it ahead of time so you’ll be ready for voting day. We get endless requests for last minute decisions on who to vote for. We’ve organized some information to help sort that out. The Secretary of State website is the best place to start. Check trusted websites and groups, search for information on your candidates.Rebuild NH
Rebuild NH provides candidate endorsements and grading that reflects a candidate’s voting history and survey score, where applicable.
The Liberty Ballot
Liberty Ballot evaluates candidates based on their small government stance and based on their viability. They provide a sample ballot.
New Hampshire Voter Integrity
Voting fraud is alive and well here. Learn more about voting fraud; we have a lot of work to do on these issues in New Hampshire.
A convenient list of tyrants
These 200 signatories recently conspired to shred your constitution, livelihoods and economy. Hopefully the ones on this list that are running again are voted out.
Request an absentee ballot (Secretary of State website)
You may also request an absentee ballot from the New Hampshire Secretary of State.There are 2 ballot questions. Here are some notes and several articles that may be helpful.
(Passed by the N.H. House 294 Yes 43 No; Passed by Senate 21 Yes 3 No.) CACR 21 YES NO
Some suggestions regarding BALLOT QUESTION #1:
”The register of probate is elected by the people to perform the functions of a court clerk. This arrangement gave independent oversight of the court. Therefore, someone outside the judiciary keeps the records of legacy, guardianship, and adoption. It makes it harder for judges to be partial, particularly in inheritance.“ This would be a NO vote.
“This amendment eliminates the Register of Probate position from the New Hampshire Constitution and prohibits judges from acting in that capacity. I hope that you will vote NO on this amendment.
This position affects everyone. The Register of Probate is a position that was established in the 1880s by an amendment to the New Hampshire State Constitution. Responsibilities included providing customer service to the residents of New Hampshire, assisting them with filing the necessary information related to deaths in families, and limiting the need for costly attorneys to only the most complicated probate cases.
Unfortunately, in 2011, most of the New Hampshire Registers of Probate’s responsibilities were shifted to our government’s judicial branch, reducing their responsibilities to just one item – the archiving of historical documents. This leaves a large gap in services that help those in need to complete the probate process during a time of grief that may be the most difficult of their lives.
Currently, residents, who are often elderly, are required to navigate an electronic system in order to do their probate filing. Those unable to do so must now bear the expense of hiring an attorney. Feedback from many New Hampshire residents, after encountering very limited assistance at the courthouse, is that they have been advised to seek an attorney if they are unable to properly submit the necessary information. If we still had functioning Registers of Probate to help, most residents would not have to deal with attorneys and their associated legal fees.
A number of the current Register’s of Probate, and others including myself, are working with our legislators to try to restore the customer service functions of this position. A President of a college – who has a Ph.D – noted the difficulty in navigating the process after his mother passed recently. We need the Registers of Probate! VOTE NO ON THIS AMENDMENT.”
Question Proposed pursuant to Part II, Article 100 of the New Hampshire Constitution
2. “Shall there be a convention to amend or revise the constitution?” YES NO
This article addresses both ballot questions:
Convention of States Action
Article regarding Ballot Question #1: regarding Ballot Question #2: Hampshire boasts the second largest legislative body in the nation following the US Congress. There are 400 Representatives and 24 Senators. Its the only state legislature that holds a hearing on every bill. New Hampshire’s State House is with the oldest continuously used legislative chambers in the United States – since June 1819!
The New Hampshire State House 107 North Main Street Concord, NH
The Legislative Office Building (LOB) 33 North State Street Concord, NH
We will continue working to educate and get people comfortable with contacting legislators and showing up for important bill hearings, rule hearings, and council meetings.State House:
aerial view:
Please submit questions or concerns that arise. email: